Mittwoch, 30. April 2008

Riserva Naturale Orientata Capo Rama

Nel versante Nord-occidentale della Sicilia caratterizzato da coste basse, talvolta sabbiose, talvolta ciottolose, si susseguono coste alte e rocciose, a strapiombo sul mare, in un alternarsi di promontori e faraglioni, grotte, porticcioli, insenature. Una di queste, la più profonda dell'Isola, forma il Golfo di Castellammare, il cui sviluppo sinuoso degli ampi arenili è interrotto a Ovest dalle falesie della Riserva dello "Zingaro" e a Est dal promontorio di Capo Rama il cui territorio è compreso nella contrada "Agli Androni", toponimo di probabile derivazione dal siciliano "agghiannuni", grossa ghianda, con riferimento al frutto prodotto dalla rara Quercia spinosa, una specie che in passato era molto diffusa lungo le coste della Sicilia e che oggi sopravvive in limitate aree come vegetazione relittuale.

A Capo Rama e nel territorio circostante sopravvivono una quindicina di queste piante sparse in un raggio di circa un chilometro quadrato, di cui soltanto una ricadente all'interno della Riserva Naturale. Sul versante orientale la pianura si affaccia sulla pittoresca Cala Rossa, al centro della quale si innalza un grosso scoglio, localmente noto come "l'isolotto", circondato da alcuni scogli minori. Nell'ambiente retrostante la costa sopravvivono ristretti lembi di naturalità, alternati a zone che hanno subito un forte impatto antropico. Sino a qualche decennio fa, infatti, la pianura era coltivata a uliveti, vigneti, agrumeti e sommaccheti, mentre alle pendici dei monti, ricoperti dal detrito di falda, attecchivano il frassino da manna, carubi e mandorli.

Dell'antica attività agricola rimangono poche tracce in sparuti lembi di vegetazione residuale e l'originario mango vegetale è stato duramente compromesso dalla speculazione edilizia e da altre attività umane. Tra le aree che si sono salvate dalla cementificazione, quella di Capo Rama rappresenta senza dubbio la più importante dal punto di vista naturalistico.

Das Reservat ist nach der Direktive 92/43/CEE und 79/409/CEE einer der Orte von europäischer Bedeutung. Der Meeres-Bereich con Capo Rama bis Punta Catalana (grade Linie) ist seit 2005 mit inbegriffen und darf offiziell nicht befahren werden. Ausnahme Genehmigung hat nur die örtliche Tauchschule Dive Companie unter Leitung von Gunnar Steinke, der seit 30 Jahren seine Tauchbasis hier betreibt.
Ferienwohnung in Sizilien Terrasini Casa Ullaegino
Sicilia casa vacanze Terrasini
Sicily accommodation Terrasini

Montag, 28. April 2008

Sunset in Fort Morgan

06. Juni / Maps
Fort Morgan RV Park, in Palmetto Beach auf dem Highway 180 in Alabama. Abenddaemmerung
Highways und Byways in Amerika
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Gulf Shores is one of two (Orange Beach being the other one) seaside resorts in the state of Alabama. Most of the city is therefore devoted to beachfront hotels, condominiums, vacation houses and a tourism/real estate based economy. Because the nearby Mississippi Gulf Coast is protected by barrier islands, Gulf Shores is one of only two resort cities with a large beach, fronting the Gulf of Mexico between New Orleans, Louisiana and the well-known resorts of Florida. Gulf Shores is therefore more popular with populations in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana than the Florida resorts, which tend to be dominated by visitors from other regions of the United States. The adjacent resort city of Orange Beach offers direct access to the Gulf of Mexico for vessels, via Perdido pass. The greater area is home to a very large charter fishing fleet. Gulf Shores is served by Jack Edwards Airport, which is located on the north side of town on Highway 59. To view area info visit: Gulf Coast Beach Guide.
The extensive
spring break destinations of Panama City Beach and Destin, Florida on the east side and the casinos of Gulfport and Biloxi to the west give Gulf Shores plenty of competition. During the winter months, Gulf Shores and Orange Beach both host a sizable population of "Snowbirds" primarily from the upper midwestern states.
Gulf Shores and Orange Beach bore the brunt of Hurricane Ivan on September 16, 2004. Since Ivan, the beach has been restored and is kept in excellent condition with plenty of sand between the beachfront resorts and the surf. The entire Gulf Shores/Orange Beach area has been designated a "Go Zone" as a result of hurricane Ivan spurring unprecedented development with newly minted, towering structures now bristling along the beachfront as of early 2007. This building boom continues. An average yet well appointed beachfront condominium with two bedrooms and two baths can cost from $250,000 to $2,000,000 dollars depending on square footage and other factors.

Unincorporated Ft. Morgan, the City of Gulf Shores and the City of Orange Beach are contiguous from west to east respectively. The Intracoastal Waterway forms a canal starting at Mobile Bay to the west, and cuts through to the east, into Wolf Bay, forming an island. The combined stretch of beach from Ft. Morgan to
Perdidio pass is roughly 30 miles in length and begins at the tip of Ft. Morgan, on the west end of the island. It then continues through the City of Gulf Shores, the City of Orange Beach, terminating at Perdido Pass. From there, a bridge connects Orange Beach to Perdido Key, Alabama which continues to the Florida state line.
The Alabama Gulf Coast beach is renowned for its bright, "sugar white" sand. This is because the grains of sand that make up the beach are composed of quartz. This quartz sand although quite abrasive to CDs, sunglasses etc., is also very powdery, soft and comfortable to the feet. The warm Gulf of Mexico waters along the beachfront tend to have an emerald green tint due to the close proximity of the Mobile Bay estuarial system to the west, where the Mobile river delta meets the Gulf of Mexico. The prevailing west to east current along the beach brings suspended silt from the Mobile river delta toward the Florida panhandle thus giving the water its green tint. Gulf Shores is well known for an abundance of gulf coast seafood dining, excellent fishing, watersports and an unpretentious, deep-south culture. Quelle Wikipedia

Navarre Beach Santa Rosa Island

06.Juni / Maps
auch hier hatten Hurrikans Schaden angerichtet, die Strasse hoert ploetzlich auf
unterwegs mit dem Wohnmobil in Amerika 180 Tage on the road
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Samstag, 26. April 2008

Sizilien der Etna, Mit seinen 3350 m ist er der hoechste aktive Vulkan in Europa.

Sizilien erleben der Etna Sich von Taormina aus
An seinem Fuß wachsen Palmen und Zitronen, sein Gipfel ist eine Wüste aus Eis und Lava. Seit Urzeiten gestaltet der Ätna die Landschaft, seit Anfang 2006 spuckt er wieder Feuer. Unvergesslich bleibt eine Fahrt zum Ätna, dessen grandioses Naturschauspiel gleichermaßen fasziniert und erschreckt. Wenn der Vulkan nicht gewaltige Lavamassen ausspuckt, so puffen aus seinen Kratern immer wieder Rauchwölkchen und lassen ihn ganz friedlich aussehen.
Sizilien ist zu jeder Jahreszeit eine Reise wert, idealer Ausgangspunkt fuer Ihre Sizilienreise eine Ferienwohnung
Willkommen bei Ulla und Gino in Terrasini
Sizilien Ferienwohnung in Terrasini Casa Ullaegino
Sicilia casa vacanze Terrasini
Sicily accommodation Terrasini

Mittwoch, 23. April 2008

Monreale, die Kathedrale eines der schoensten Gotteshaueser der Welt

Das berühmteste Bauwerk ist die Kathedrale von Monreale, ein Normannenbau aus dem 12. Jahrhundert. Sie zeigt in besonders eindrucksvoller Weise die Symbiose aus romanischer (Baukörper), arabischer (Blendbögen, Intarsien an den Außenmauern, besonders den Apsiden) und byzantinischer (Goldgrund-Mosaiken an den Innenwänden) Kunst, die zu dieser Zeit in Sizilien verbreitet war. Mit etwa 6 340 m² Mosaikfläche aus dem 12. Jahrhundert ist sie eine der bekanntesten Kathedralen auf Sizilien. Besonders sehenswert ist auch der romanische Kreuzgang, sowie das berühmte Bronzetor von Pisano aus dem Jahr 1186.
Sicily, Sicilia, Sizilien
The Cathedral stand aloof on the edge of the historical centre of Monreale, a small town overlooking the Oreto River valley and the famous “Conca d’Oro”. “The golden Temple”, a fairy-tale construction, the Christian apotheosis of a Norman king’s dream: one morning of 1174, William II, known as “the Good”, Roger II’s grandson and third Norman King of Sicily, awoke early at daybreak and told his ministers he had dreamt of the Virgin Mary asking him to build her a church with the treasure stolen from the State by his father, William I known as “the Bad”, and hidden in a secret place that she would have shown him.

La costruzione di questo splendido complesso che comprende, oltre al duomo. anche un'abbazia benedettina ed il palazzo reale (trasformato alla fine del '500 e i Seminario Arcivescovile), venne iniziata da Guglielmo II, nipote di Ruggero II, intorno al 1172. Vuole la leggenda che la Madonna, apparsagli in sogno, gli suggerisse di edificare una chiesa con il denaro celato dal padre in un nascondiglio di cui lei stessa indicò l'ubicazione. La costruzione doveva essere grandiosa, per eguagliare le cattedrali delle più grandi città europee e superare in bellezza la Cappella Palatina, edificata dal nonno Ruggero. E così vennero sicuramente impiegate le migliori maestranze, senza risparmio di fondi. La chiesa era circondata a nord dal palazzo reale e a sud dal convento benedettino di cui oggi si può ammirare il bellissimo chiostro.

Ferienwohnung in Sizilien Terrasini Casa Ullaegino
Sicilia casa vacanze Terrasini
Sicily accommodation Terrasini

den Highway 98 entlang nach Destin in Florida

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06. Juni / Maps
den Highway 98 entlang fahren wir in Richtung Destin
ohne Uebertreibung eine der schoensten Gegenden die wir bisher gesehen haben.
zuckerweisser Sand und tuerkisblaues Wasser sind eine Unbeschreiblich schoene Farbkombination
unterwegs auf den dreamroads der USA

Destin is a city located on the Emerald Coast of Florida, in Okaloosa County. The city styles itself "The World's Luckiest Fishing Village", and claims to have the largest fishing vessel fleet in the state of Florida.
Destin is known for its white beaches and emerald-colored waters. Originating as a small fishing village, it is now a popular tourist destination – according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, over 80 percent of the Emerald Coast's 4.5 million visitors each year visit

Montag, 21. April 2008

Campground Bass Heaven de Funiak Springs

das hier sollte eigentlich ein See sein
05. Juni / Maps
ein recht merkwuerdiger Platz an einem ausgetrockneten See gelegen, weit ab vom Meer dafuer guenstig. . .
das einzig interessante nahe dem Campingplatz war ein Chinesisches Restaurant, in dem man sich zum einem guenstigen Preis, noch nicht mal 10,-- $ am Buffet bedienen konnte, das hervorragend war. Essen bis zum Platzen.
Ulla und Gino unterwegs mit Ihrem Wohnmobil in Amerika

Samstag, 19. April 2008

Grayton Beach State Park

05. Juni / Maps
man muss nicht sehr viel zu diesem wunderschoenen Strand sagen, das Bild spricht fuer sich... >> more pictures

mit Ulla und Gino im Wohnmobil unterwegs in den USA

Golden in the morning sun, silvered by moonlight, Grayton Beach has consistently been ranked among the most beautiful and pristine beaches in the United States. The beach provides an idyllic setting for swimming, sunbathing, and surf fishing. Visitors can paddle a canoe or kayak on scenic Western Lake to get a closer look at a salt marsh ecosystem. A boat ramp provides access to the lake's brackish waters for both freshwater and saltwater fishing. A nature trail winds through a coastal forest where scrub oaks and magnolias, bent and twisted by salt winds, have an eerie "Middle Earth" look. Hikers and bicyclists can enjoy over four miles of trails through pine flatwoods; the trail begins across from the park entrance on Highway 30-A. Options for overnight stays include modern cabins and a full-facility campground. Located near the town of Grayton Beach on County Road 30A, south of U.S. 98.

Beautiful sugar white sand beaches and dunes -- unmolested, preserved. Come to camp on the beach or stay in exclusive Seaside. Sunsets, solitude, brackish lakes of forever beauty. Incomparable Grayton Beach
american dreamroads

Freitag, 18. April 2008

der Fischmarkt von Catania in Sizilien, Sicilia, Sicily

Sizilien entdecken , Sizilien erleben,
Catania, bunt, aufregend, dynamisch, mit einem Unternehmungsgeist dem die Stadt den Beinamen "Mailand des Südens" verdankt

Der Fischmarkt La pescheria
Der antike Fischmarkt La pescheria in Catania befindet sich in der Nähe der Piazza del Duomo. Unterhalb der Fontana dell'Amenano beginnt der Trubel der Fischhändler. Hier bekommt man Gelegenheit das temperamentvolle und lebhafte Leben der Stadt Catania hautnah zu spüren.

Jeden Tag, außer Sonntags, preisen die Händler lauthals im catanesischen Dialekt ihren fangfrischen Fisch bis um die Mittagszeit an. Umgeben von dunklen Gemäuern der alten Palazzi an der Piazza di Benedetto, herrscht zwischen den bunten Ständen ein hektisches Treiben wie auf einem orientalischen Markt. Lässt man sich Treiben in diesem Spektakel, taucht man ein, in ein Fest der Sinne. Man ist gefangen von der vielfältigen Auswahl an Meeresgetier, dem Geschrei der Verkäufer und dem Geruch des Meeres.

Der Fischhandel ist eine ernstzunehmende Angelegenheit und meist den Männern überlassen. Kritisch wird die Ware begutachtet. Ohne Feilschen und lautes Diskutieren wird hier kein Geschäft abgeschlossen.

Ferienwohnung in Sizilien Terrasini Casa Ullaegino
Sicilia casa vacanze Terrasini
Sicily accommodation Terrasini
Since the eighteenth century, Catania has been the second most important city of Sicily, supplanting Messina in that respect. Subjected to Etna's fickle temperament, Catania has been damaged by lava flows and earthquakes on several occasions. A particularly destructive volcanic eruption in 1669 was followed by a serious earthquake in 1693.
Founded by the Siculi and colonized by Chalcidians (a Greek people) from Naxos in 729 BC, Catania was conquered by the Romans in AD 263, eventually becoming the most prosperous city in Roman Sicily. However, archeological evidence indicates man's presence in the area during the early Bronze Age (2200-1400 BC). By the Middle Ages, it was still an important port, though less prominent than Messina. It flourished until 1169, when it was almost completely destroyed by a particularly violent earthquake. Following this catastrophe, Catania was gradually rebuilt.

Donnerstag, 17. April 2008

Panama City Beach in Florida USA

05. Juni / Maps
zuckerweisser Sandstrand in Panamacity Beach
Reise nach Amerika, 6 Monate unterwegs mit einem Camper, ein echtes Erlebnis
Die nordwestliche Ausdehnung von Florida, die sich am Golf von Mexiko entlang erstreckt, wird das “Panhandle von Florida” genannt.( wörtlich übersetzt der Pfannenstiel, weil es so auf der Landkarte aussieht.) Es ist weniger bebaut als andere Teile des Staates mit weniger Bevölkerung und grossen Weiten von Kiefernwäldern. Das Klima ist ein wenig kühler als die südlichen Teile von Florida doch bietet es immer milde Winter, heisse Sommer und sehr angenehmes Herbst und Frühlingswetter. Die Strände hier sind grossartig mit warmem seichtem Wasser und ganz feinem weissen Sand. Das Panhandle sieht weniger Touristen und ist immer noch ein beliebter “unentdeckter” Urlaubsort for Einheimische und Pensionäre aus dem Norden.
Es liegt am Panhandle von Florida
Panama City liegt an der Küste des Florida Panhandels., ungefähr 560 km nordwestlich von Orlando., Florida und ungefähr 560 km östlich von New Orleans, Louisiana. Es hat einen bescheidenen Flughafen , der nur begrenzte Flüge aus der Umgebung bietet. Man hat mehr Auswahl an Flügen, die in Fort Walton Beach starten und landen, 96 km zum Westen hin nach Pensacola, oder 160 km zum Westen hin oder nach Tallahassee, 190 km gegen Nordosten.
Panama City ist eine kleiner Küstenort, der nur 35,000 Bevölkerung hat. Es gibt mehrere Jachthäfen und der Ort liegt neben einer der besten Strände in ganz Florida. Panama City Beach fängt an westlich der Stadt und erstreckt sich für 32 km am Golf von Mexiko entlang. Diese Strände sind bekannt für den feinen weissen Sand und werden oft “Zuckerstrände” genannt. Das himmelblaue Wasser gibt dieser Gegend auch den Namen die “Emerald Küste”. Viele Reise Experten haben die Strände von Panama City als einige der besten Strände in der Welt eingeschätzt.

The City of Panama City Beach (a/k/a Panama City Beach, or simply "PCB") is a separate incorporated city on the west side of the Hathaway Bridge just to the west of its sister city, the larger and older Panama City, in Bay County, Florida, United States. Panama City Beach's slogan is "The World's Most Beautiful Beaches" due to the unique sugar-white sandy beaches of the NW Florida "panhandle" area. For as long as most southerners can remember, Panama City Beach has been THE place to go for spring break and summer vacation. Such legendary places at "The Hang-Out" at the Long Beach Resort motel and the "Miracle Strip" amusement park were the perfect place to meet old friends and make new ones for a few decades. Now it's all high rise hotels.Quelle Wikipedia

Mexico Beach in Florida

03. Juni / Maps
weisse endlose Straende und smaragdgruenes klares Wasser ist einer der Gruende, hier ein paar Tage zu verbringen, noch immer ein Teil der verlorenen Kueste, wie man diesen Teil am Golf von Mexico nennt.
wir haben unseren Camper im Rustic Sands Resort Campground untergebracht, ein schoener Platz leider ohne Internet
unterwegs mit einem Wohnmobil in Amerika

Mexico Beach is located on Florida’s panhandle near St. Joseph Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. This is the “Forgotten Coast” of Florida, and Mexico Beach bills itself as the “Quiet Alternative” to your Florida seaside vacation. Mexico Beach is tranquil and uncrowded, yet it has just as many recreational choices as the more well known beachside resorts in the state. Relaxation takes on a new meaning as you stroll along the pristine white sand beaches, breathe in the fresh sea air and swim in the warm, emerald green waters. For more activity, you can surf, water ski, go parasailing, play volleyball, badminton or horseshoes. Professional charter boats are available for sport fishing or you can fish right along the shoreline. For golfers, nearby St. Joseph’s Bay offers a championship 18-hole golf course to test your competitive spirit. Mexico Beach has a beautiful marina and canal park for easy access to the Gulf. There is also a picturesque pier to sit and watch the sunset or for fishing. There are two beachside parks in Mexico Beach and a boardwalk to the beach, perfect for early morning or evening walks. Come discover Mexico Beach on Florida’s beautiful, peaceful “Forgotten Coast.”

Dienstag, 15. April 2008

Buonanotte Sicilia

Di Pino Finocchiaro
Raffaele Lombardo non vuol essere chiamato governatore di Sicilia ma presidente della Regione Siciliana come da legge costituzionale che sancì l’Autonomia dell’Isola. Col suo 65,3 per cento di consensi, ha tutto il diritto di pretenderlo. Anna Finocchiaro sconfitta - eh sì, sconfitta, che altro? - resta bloccata al 30,4. Molto al di sotto del successo personale ottenuto due anni fa da Rita Borsellino che stavolta viene ridotta al rango di extraparlamentare, qualche decimo al di sotto dello sbarramento del cinque per cento che ha messo fuori combattimento la Sinistra Arcobaleno anche in Sicilia. Bene, se questa doveva essere una prova di novità per la Sicilia, l’Isola ne esce sconfitta. Lombardo è in politica da trent’anni. Nella trionfale passeggiata tra i banchi di pisci e mulinciani da’ Fera o ‘o Luni, lo storico mercato del lunedì che in piazza Carlo Alberto, a Catania, si celebra ormai ogni giorno, lo scoetava l’ex rettore e variamente ex di tutti i partiti di centrodestra e centrosinistra degli ultimi quindici anni, Ferdinando Latteri. Insomma, nulla di nuovo. Per nulla nuovi i fuochi d’artificio. Forse stavolta di fattura cinese visto che i cinesi pian piano stanno soppiantando i venditori nostrani del mercato.Più stipendi per tutti, biglietti di ritorno per tutti, o quasi, gli emigrati dalla Sicilia. Federalismo fiscale, etc. etc.

Questo il non governatore ma presiente autonomista Lombardo Raffaele da Grammichele. Quali altri novità in Sicilia? Totò Cuffaro, sì quello che non offre più cannoli ma caramelle al carrubbo, guida la lista dei senatori Udc, trascina Pierferdi Casini che di Lombardo e Cuffaro era stato il capo ai tempi del movimento giovanile Dc e Calogero Mannino che di Lombardo e Cuffaro fu mentore ai tempi di prestigiosi incarichi istituzionali interrotti da improvvide inchieste giudiziarie nonché matrimoni, comparaggi e padrinaggi dimenticati dalla maggioranza dei siciliani al nobile grido di “chi male pensa peste lo colga”.In Sicilia, un motto salva una vita, visto che le telefonate finiscono per renderla spiacevole con altrettanto spiacevoli parentesi carcerarie e giudiziarie che colpiscono fior di innocenti, presunti o conclamati tali, e galantuomini al servizio di un’Isola che resta sempre da innovare senza che nulla muti mai.Nulla o quasi. Non va in parlamento nazionale l’eurodeputato Claudio Fava, figlio del giornalista ucciso dalla mafia a Catania. Non torna nell’assemblea regionale quella Rita Borsellino, sorella del magistrato per il quale ben diversi fuochi certi siciliani accesero in seguito alle sue inchieste su un certo Mangano emigrato ad Arcore con l’affidavit di un noto bibliofilo siciliano. Per Rita, solo due anni fa i giovani emigrati a Milano organizzarono un treno straordinario per venire qui a votarla. Adesso, altri giovani, prenderanno lo stesso treno per tornare definitivamente a cercar fortuna nel Nord di Bossi. Altri prenderanno il volo verso la Francia di Sarkozy, l’izquierda moderata di Zapatero, gli States subprimari di Bush.
Al peggio non c’è Silvio.Resta fuori dall’Ars anche la grillina Sonia Alfano, figlia del giornalista senza tessera e senza timori ucciso a Barcellona mentre era sulle tracce del boss latitante Santapaola. Ora, comprendo e in parte condivido, l’entusiasmo di Giovanni Sartori per la razionalizzazione del quadro politico. Ma condivido anche le preoccupazioni del collega Riccardo Orioles fondatore dei Siciliani con Pippo Fava. Un parlamento in cui c’è ancora posto per Calogero Mannino ma non ce n’è più per Nando Dalla Chiesa, ha un problema da risolvere. Un partito in cui il parlamentare ripreso dai carabinieri mentre discute di appalti col boss mafioso decide sulla candidatura del vicepresidente della Commissione Antimafia, ha un problema. E deve affrontarlo. Un partito di opposizione forte e coerente forse non dovrebbe proporre come testa di serie alle prossime elezioni comunali il figlioccio dell’ex governatore… sì, sempre quello che ora deve fare i conti con l’assessore catanese alla cultura, l’indipendente polista-komeinista Silvana Grasso che gli grida “Totò torna al cannolo…”. E lasciamolo mangiare i cannoli, ormai, che male fa? Ormai.A noi che preferiamo gli arancini di Montalbano non resta che accettare un’antica verità siciliana. “Chiu’ scuru ‘i mezzanotte non po’ fari”. Ovvero, più buio che a mezzanotte non può capitare. Speriamo sia così. Anche perché a metà giugno si vota in Sicilia per un importante turno di elezioni amministrative. Ok. C’è stanchezza. C’è il buio della mezzanotte. C’è voglia di riposare un po’. Si può fare. L’importante sarà svegliarsi per tempo. Da Catania, per il momento, è tutto. “Buonanotte Sicilia”.

Sonntag, 13. April 2008

der Strand von Calatubo ein Geheimtipp

Calatubo Blick auf den Naturpark Lo Zingaro
es dauert nicht mehr lang und wir koennen einen der schoensten Straende in unserer Naehe geniessen
Gestern hat das Thermometer hier in Terrasini schon sommerliche Temperaturen gezeigt
Ferienwohnung Casa Ullaegino Terrasini am Golf von Castellammare
more photos

Samstag, 12. April 2008

Agrigento im Tal der Tempel in Sizilien

Agrigento im Tal der Tempel

Das berühmte Tal der Tempel, eines der interessantesten archäologischen Stätten der Insel. Als Kulisse eine Skyline von Hochhäusern, die in Sizilien ihresgleichen sucht. Unsichtbar dahinter das reizvolle, mittelalterlich und barock geprägte Zentrum. Agrigento hat viele Gesichter. Die Busladungen von Touristen, die mal schnell die Tempel „abhaken“ bekommen die antike Seite der Provinzhauptstadt zu Gesicht.

Die Reste des mächtigen griechischen Akraga, von den Römern in Agrigentum umbenannt, die beeindruckende Reihe von Tempeln inmitten einer heitern, lichten Landschaft sich auch völlig zu Recht der Hauptanziehungspunkt der Stadt. Eine Reihe von Tempeln im Tal der Tempel haben den Ruhm von Agrigento ausgemacht, heute im einheitlichen Honiggelb waren sie früher mit Stuck verkleidet und bunt bemalt.

Tempel in Sizilien

wenn Sie Lust auf Urlaub in Sizilien haben

Ferienwohnung in Sizilien Terrasini Casa Ullaegino
Sicilia casa vacanze Terrasini
Sicily accommodation Terrasini

Delphine am Strand von Carrabelle in Florida

03. Juni / Maps
beim Joggen am Strand von Carrabelle in Florida am Golf von Mexico
am fruehen Morgen folgen uns Delphine

unterwegs mit unseren Camper auf den Dreamroads in Amerika
Ulla und Gino aus Terrasini auf Sizilien

Donnerstag, 10. April 2008

the smallest Police Station of the World, die kleinste Polizeistation der Welt

01.Juni / Maps
nachdem wir das kleinste Postamt der USA gesehen haben, sind wir jetzt auch an die kleinsten Polizeistazion der Welt. ... na ob das mal stimmt?
im Wohnmobil durch Amerika, Camperurlaub
in Carrabelle in Florida an der vergessenen Kueste
Carrabelle, Florida - World's Smallest Police Station
Back when the town of Carrabelle (current pop. about 1200) had no true police station, the police parked their cruiser beside a telephone booth near the main intersection, where they could pretty much see everything going on. For many years, calls for the police came in to the telephone in the booth.
Better radios and cell phone service put an end to the need for the phone booth, but one of the more recent of the telephone booths used is still in the center of town, across from the Chamber of Commerce. The original phone booth is on display at City Hall just a couple short blocks away.
US Hwy 98, Carrabelle, FL [Show Map]
Directions: On north side of US Hwy 98 just west of County Road 67. The original is in City Hall at 106 SE Avenue B.

That's the number for a blue phone booth on the main drag that is the world's smallest police station. The phone booth is shaded by a shiny berry tree, and there's a park bench in front where policemen can keep an eye on the town of Carrabelle (population 1,800).
The phone booth was installed in 1963 to keep policemen out of the rain. "They used to have a phone on the wall across the street," says Police Chief Jesse Smith. "But every time it rained, the man who answered it would get wet."
At the time, the single police officer walked a beat and didn't have a patrol car, Smith says. The department has grown to three officers since then, but little else has changed.
"I love it here," says Smith, who's worked for the station for 22 years. "It's just like any other place. You have the same things, you just don't have as much. Some days you'll come and you won't get a call all day, other days they'll keep you running."
When he's not patrolling, Smith parks by the phone booth. "We just sit here because there's a little shade and it's right in the middle of town. We can see everything that's going on. And if people need to get a hold of us they call it and we answer the phone."
Smith said visitors come from "all over the world" to see his police station. "They want us to stand around and take pictures with them and we do it." (The town now has another one-room police office, but it doesn't attract visitors.)
In 1991, Smith was a guest on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. "I enjoyed the trip, it was real nice. They carried us all over the place in a limo. Johnny just asked about the police station."
Smith has also been featured in a commercial for the police program "In the Heat of the Night." But Carrabelle doesn't get the program, and "I ain't never seen it," Smith said.
Be sure to wave the next time you drive through Carrabelle. Or better yet, stop and chat a while.

Carrabelle Florida, Carabelle Palms RV Park

01.Juni / Maps
Carrabelle die vergessene Kueste
wir haben unseren Platz im Carravelle Palms RV Park direkt am Meer gefunden. Schoen und sauber, angenehm zum rasten, weit entfernt vom Trubel
im Wohnmobil durch Amerika, Camperurlaub
Carrabelle is located on St. James Island, although you might never realize it unless you look closely at a map of the area. The "Isle of St. James" is surrounded by bays, rivers, and an offshore barrier island known as Dog Island. The history of Dog Island and Carrabelle includes a wonderful mix of Indians, shipping, bootlegging, logging and war. Rio Carrabella was the name of the town recognized by the first post office in this area and was said to mean "beautiful river". Early settlers in the area, both Indians and early Europeans, hunted the bountiful game for food and furs, which were then shipped out of St. Marks. Carrabelle's boom time came after the Civil War when lumber and naval stores were the most important commodities. In 1875 the first lumber mill was established- cutting pine and cypress from the river and in the swamps; shipping it to the north. Ships, mainly schooners, would come through the pass and drop anchor behind Dog Island in Ballast Cove, so named because the ships would drop their ballast before sailing into Carrabelle to pick up their cargo. You may to this day find ballast rock in the cove.
By 1893 there were many more lumber and saw mills along the Carrabelle River and the downtown area was established around Coombs Mill, close to the mouth of the river. The town was incorporated in May 1893 and during this time, the area flourished- docks were stacked high with lumber and turpentine. There was a railroad station from which trains carried salted down mullet and other goods to points north, as well as ringing in needed supplies for the residents. The railroad also brought tourists from Tallahassee to stay at the Lanark Springs Hotel, a luxurious resort hotel. A disastrous hurricane hit the town head on at the turn of the century and it was at this time that the downtown area was moved to its present location. The town was rebuilt, and many of today's larger buildings were built during the early part of the 1900's.
During this boom time for Carrabelle, lumber and turpentine were king. During a short period, Greek sailors came and began a flourishing sponge industry. Between World War I and World War II, Carrabelle went into a severe economic slump. Fishing became the principal industry and along with the entire country, Carrabelle slipped into the depression. During the Prohibition much business was done by barter and there was a brief period in which smugglers from the Caribbean unloaded their contraband near Alligator Point and hid in the nearby woods. In 1942, with the entry of the United States into WW II, Camp Gordon Johnston was built and thousands of men were trained at the camp. For many it was the last stopover for those going to the Pacific or European theaters. Carrabelle was also an important port for shipping oil. The oil was shipped from Texas, through the Intercoastal Waterway to Carrabelle and then on to Jacksonville through a pipeline, where it was loaded on ships for delivery to Europe. The pipleline began at what is known as Three Rivers. Quelle:

Mittwoch, 9. April 2008

who had been here

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Keaton Beach Florida, Old Pavillion RV Park

30. Mai / Maps
nicht unbedingt ein belebter Ort aber sehr beliebtes Ziel zum fischen.
Der Campingplatz Old Pavillon RV Park war angenehm, sauber und guenstig.

The Old Pavilion RV park and Campground is located on Taylor County's Fabulous Gulf Coast overlooking the beautiful waters of theGulf of Mexico. We have the finest fishing, scalloping, and hunting in the state. This area is noted for it's spectacular sunsets birds and wildlive and peaceful atmosphere.

Amerika im Wohnmobil entdecken

Dienstag, 8. April 2008

Cedar Key, Florida, Sunset Isle RV Park

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26. Mai / Maps
weitab von irgendwo, Cedar Key, ein ruhiges Fleckchen Erde, ein verschlafenes Nest, aber schoen. Im Sunset Isle RV Park haben wir fuer den Memorial Day noch Platz gefunden, man muss ziemlich lange vorbuchen wenn man waerend der Feiertage mit seinem Camper an belebteren Orten einen Platz bekommen moechte. Wir wussten das nicht und mussten deshalb so weit entfernt von unserer Route nach Platz suchen.
Ullaegino mit dem Camper unterwegs in den USA

As you leave the Florida mainland, rich Gulf waters reflecting blue skies beckon you as birds float like petals over the marsh vista. Welcome to our island, a place where time stands still and allows you to enjoy the unique qualities of our coastal environment. Cedar Key is a quiet island community nestled among many tiny keys on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Long admired for its natural beauty and abundant supply of seafood, it is a tranquil village, rich with the almost forgotten history of old Florida.
hier haben wir einen Haifisch filletiert

Montag, 7. April 2008

Sunshine Skyway Bridge, St.Petersburg, Cedar Key, Florida

25. Mai
von Palmetto ueber die Sunshine Skyway Bridge ~~

The Sunshine Skyway Bridge, spanning Florida's Tampa Bay, is the world's longest bridge with a cable-stayed main span, with a length of 29,040 feet (exactly 5.5 miles or approximately 8.85 km).[4] It is part of I-275 (SR 93) and US 19 (SR 55), connecting St. Petersburg in Pinellas County and Terra Ceia in Manatee County, Florida, passing through Hillsborough County waters. Construction of the current bridge began in 1982, and the completed bridge was dedicated on February 7, 1987. The new bridge cost $244 million to build, and was opened to traffic on April 20, 1987.
It is constructed of
steel and concrete. Twenty-one steel cables clad in nine-inch steel tubes along the center line of the bridge support the structure. It was designed by the Figg & Muller Engineering Group, and built by the American Bridge Company.

an St. Petersburg vorbei ~~

St. Pete/Clearwater is where you want to be! Close to everything, yet miles away. A beautiful peninsula located on Florida's West coast, the area is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico to the west and by Tampa Bay to the east. Home to America's Award Winning Beaches. Caladesi Beach, America's #2 beach in 2006 and 2007. Also home to Fort De Soto Park, America's #1 beach in 2005 and 2008, we offer 35 miles of white-sand beaches on some eight major barrier islands. We're within minutes of many popular Florida attractions: just 30 minutes to Busch Gardens in Tampa and 90 minutes to Walt Disney World Resort, Sea World and Universal Studios Escape in Orlando.

nach Cedar Key

Ullaegino unterwegs in Amerika

Fishermans Cove RV Park in Palmetto Florida

24. Mai / Maps
.. ein wirklich schoen gelegener Campingplatz, mit allen Annehmlichkeiten, sehr sauber und geplegt, schoener Swimmingpool.
Gegenueber von dem Campground war ein sehr bekanntes Restaurant, wo wir dann endlich Aligator probieren konnten. Es hat wie Haehnchenfleisch geschmeckt.

Ulla und Gino im Wohnmobil unterwegs in Amerika

If you like a small-town feeling and friendly, happy people, then Palmetto is the place for you. Year round we enjoy living in a pleasant coastal community with easy access to interstate highway I-75, Tampa, St. Petersburg/Clearwater and Sarasota-Bradenton international airports and two sea ports. Port Manatee, adjacent to Palmetto on the north, is a growing gateway to the markets of Florida and the eastern United States for products from Central and South America and the Caribbean. Not only do we try to retain a family-friendly atmosphere, but our city government is sensitive to the needs of the business community as well, and we strive to create a business-friendly environment.
Palmetto is a beautiful city with a rich history. Palmetto Historical Park seeks to preserve that history for future generations. This lovely park in downtown Palmetto is the site of Palmetto’s first Post Office, a classic Carnegie Library, the Manatee County Agricultural Hall of Fame and a wedding chapel. Several public parks with athletic and picnicking facilities are available. Palmetto is just a few miles away from the beautiful Gulf of Mexico and Manatee County’s inviting public beaches. It goes without saying that Palmetto anglers find happy fishing grounds in the Manatee River, the Gulf of Mexico and the numerous bays in the area.
Traditional festivals and events include a 4th of July celebration, the Manatee County Fair, the De Soto Children's Parade, an annual parade in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Kid's Catch and Release Fishing Tournament and a Multi-Cultural Festival.
Our thriving, growing community with a casual and relaxed atmosphere is a great place for both businesses and families.

Freitag, 4. April 2008

Chocolate in Modica, Sicily

Chocolate in Modica, Sicily
Modica is a pretty Baroque town in southeastern Sicily. It's a UNESCO World Heritage site along with the nearby Baroque towns of Ragusa, Noto, Scicli. Modica is just 20 km from Ragusa, shown on Europe Travel's >>>>
Modica is also famous for its chocolate. Walking along Corso Umberto I, the main street, we came upon several chocolate shops. After a hot chocolate in a bar, we stopped in a couple shops to sample and buy the famous chocolate which comes in a variety of forms and flavors. My favorite was the soft chocolate cookie with pepperoncini, red peppers, bursting with chocolate flavor and spiciness, found at 'ntantatùri.
Did you know that chocolate for eating as we know it today (bars and pieces) originated in Italy? Eating chocolate was first made in Turin, in the Piedmont region of northern Italy. Find out more in Chocolate and Coffee in Turin.

Ferienwohnung in Sizilien Terrasini Casa Ullaegino
Sicilia casa vacanze Terrasini
Sicily accommodation Terrasini

Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

Stuerme über Amerika: Die Florida Keys in Gefahr

Ulla und Gino unterwegs mit einem Wohnmobil in den USA

heute im TV: Phoenix 20:15 - 21:00 Inseln der Sehnsucht
Die Keys, eine Kette aus Kalkstein- und Koralleninseln, sind der Südküste Floridas wie ein 200 Kilometer langer Schweif vorgelagert. Sie sind ein subtropisches Paradies, mehr ein Gefühl als ein Ort. Karibische Leichtigkeit und endlose Sommer treffen auf eine Infrastruktur US-amerikanischen Standards. Die Inselkette wird allerdings von Hurrikanen bedroht. >>>

Dienstag, 1. April 2008

von Naples nach Palmetto Sarasota

23. Mai / Maps
vorbei an Sarasota
more pictures >>>
Ulla und Gino on american dreamroads >>>
Sarasota ist eine Stadt und der County Seat des Sarasota Countys im US-Bundesstaat Florida.
Das Ringling Museum of Art ist vermutlich die größte Attraktion in Sarasota und repräsentiert das Staatsmuseum für Kunst von Florida. Daneben gehört das Mote Marine, ein Aquarium mit angeschlossener Forschungsinstitution, zu den bedeutendsten Attraktionen in Sarasota. Der internationale Flughafen Sarasota-Bradenton bedient auch die 30 Kilometer nördlich liegende Nachbarstadt Bradenton.
Weltweite Aufmerksamkeit erhielt der Ort am 11. September 2001, da sich zum Zeitpunkt der Terroranschläge auf das New Yorker World Trade Center der amerikanische Präsident George W. Bush in der Emma-E.-Booker-Grundschule für einen Pressetermin aufhielt.Quelle Wikipedia

About Sarasota
In the Sarasota area, you can enjoy the breathtaking sunsets, educational museums, operas, ballets, plays, golf tournaments, and boat races. You can join in tennis, lawn bowling, water skiing, shell collecting, bird watching, growing exotic tropical plants, university classes, golf, or boating.
Quality service is available from knowledgeable physicians, bankers, lawyers, investment brokers, lenders and insurance agents, who can help answer your questions about living and conducting business in Florida.
Sarasota, together with its neighbors to the north and south, Manatee County and Charlotte County, form the 7th-largest market in Florida. It is also Florida's third-fastest growing major market. With over 600,000 people, the Sarasota/Manatee/Charlotte area is one of the largest, most affluent markets in Florida. In the last 5 years, it has grown 4 times faster than the national average. The per capita retail sales are almost 20% above the national average. It has a strong base of retirement age people, about a third of the population, but the fastest-growing segment of the market is middle-aged adults and their children. It has approximately 1/4 the population of the Tampa/St. Petersburg area.
The beauty of Sarasota will get your attention on your first visit. If you see Sarasota first from the window of an airplane, the colors of the Gulf of Mexico and Sarasota Bay, contrasting with the brilliant white sand of Longboat, Lido, and Siesta beaches, will make you anxious to see more. A rainbow of colors comes from the tall condominiums shining in the sun, the warm tile on the roof and patio of the mansion built by circus magnate John Ringling, the various green hues from the lush jungle-like vegetation, the flowers that are blooming any month of the year, and the lavender seashell-design Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall.
Sarasota boasts some of the oldest and newest homes in the area. Some homes were built over 50 years ago as winter vacation cottages. Others are new gated bayfront estates with manicured grounds, marble foyers, soaring ceilings, the newest fixtures and technological advances, and spectacular views.
Residents from any neighborhood can enjoy the wide range of activities available throughout Sarasota. Whether your taste in art leans more toward circus posters, Rubens and Poussin, seashell creations, sand sculptures, or the new art of the Ringling School of Art students, it's here. Your hunger for theatre can be filled by the Foreign Film Festival, the Asolo Theatre Company, Florida Studio Theatre, Island Players, Lemon Bay Playhouse, or Theatre Works, for a start.
If you want to add music to your diet, you could begin with the Florida West Coast Symphony, Key Chorale, Gloria Musicae, the Jazz Club of Sarasota, Sarasota Ballet of Florida, Sarasota Blues Society, Sarasota Opera Association, or the Sarasota Concert Band.
You also have a large number of choices when you look for educational opportunities, spectator or participant sports, boating and other water activities, restaurant styles, museums, state parks, or fresh citrus. Traveling to areas around Sarasota is easy, with quick access to Interstate-75. Tampa and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Florida Aquarium, Dali Museum and other attractions, is only an hour north of Sarasota. Disney World's many attractions, near Orlando, are only 125 miles away, about a 2.5 hour drive.