Donnerstag, 20. März 2008

von den Keys in die Everglades

Gator Park Miami

20. Mai / Maps
Die Keys haben wir verlassen eine Nacht haben wir in einem Campground "City of Florida"(war wirklich nur fuer eine Nacht geeignet)verbracht, fahren nun quer ueber die 41 zum Golf von Mexico, und schauen uns dabei die Everglades an, wo wir natuerlich auch eine Airboat Tour durch die Everglades machen
relativ teuer und es schien, als ob die Aligatoren, die wir gesehen haben fuer Touristen dressiert waeren. Aber trotzdem haben wir es nicht bereut american dreamroads

Floria Airboat Rides at Gator Park
The Everglades National Park is known for its vast wildlife. There are hundreds of bird species, many of which are on the endangered or threatened list. You'll see lots of large wading birds, such as the roseate spoonbill, great blue heron, white ibis and a variety of egrets, as well as the osprey.
The Everglades' marine life includes more than 200,000 alligators as well as American crocodiles. In abundance are fish such as large mouth bass, redfish, snapper, blue gil and catfish.
Other wildlife in the Everglades includes the white- tailed deer, more than 28 different snakes - a few which are venomous - and let us not forget, the endangered Florida panther.

more about Gator Park